Aleena Saleem, MD

Hometown: Karachi, Pakistan
Medical school: Dow Medical College
Area of interest/future practice plans: Academic medicine including inpatient and OB care
Why did you choose St. Joseph’s?
I was interested in St. Joe’s, initially, because I was living here while my husband was working at St. Joseph’s, but I truly feel that St. Joe’s was the best choice personally and professionally for me. The training and relationships with my co-residents and faculty is amazing. I feel that when I’m done, I will be confident in managing patients in both the outpatient and inpatient setting.
Any advice for prospective candidates?
These 3 years will be the best years of your lives – make the most of them! Learn from your seniors and attendings. But also enjoy this time, make friends and enjoy life! You will be spending a lot of time at work so having friends that you work with will make it easier.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I have a 14-month-old daughter and so spending time with her is what I enjoy the most after work. I also love to travel (pre-COVID, of course), enjoy listening to music, cooking and getting dressed up!