Robert Wilson, DO

Hometown: San Diego
Medical school: University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth
Area of interest/future practice plans: Pain management, Internist
What has been your favorite rotation?
My favorite rotation so far has been OB! The experience was very different from my medical school rotation. The biggest difference has been the level of responsibility as an intern vs as a medical student. The trust you develop with the attendings and nursing staff helps you to become more involved in deliveries, repairs, and C-sections. This was a rotation that I believe most people, including me, worried a lot about coming in as an intern, but ended up being a great learning experience.
What is the relationship between residents and faculty?
The relationship between residents and faculty has become one of the most impressive factors about St. Joseph’s. Due to the extensive time spent with attendings/faculty, whether it has been lectures, advisor meetings, rounds, intern wellness meetings, or get togethers outside of work, it did not take long to develop meaningful relationship. The faculty here really do care about your mental health, how well the rotations function, and are incredibly receptive to feedback for changes.
What do you enjoy most about Syracuse/Central NY?
Coming from larger cities, such as Los Angeles and Dallas, I was honestly worried about the size of the city as well as the weather. Surprisingly the city did not take long to grow on me and my family. From the apple orchards, coffee shops, wineries/breweries, and the fact that upstate has real seasons, it has made the area (including the countryside and finger lakes) a beautiful place to explore with my family and co-interns.